Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Contract and Travel.

1.  What these general conditions of contract and travel regulate?

1.1 These general conditions of contract and travel

They regulate the legal relationship between you and GreXplore Travel with regard to package deals, the sale of flights alone or other services offered by GreXplore Travel.

1.2 If your booking office provides you with travel arrangements or certain services from other organisers or service providers

Their own general terms and conditions apply. In all cases, GreXplore Travel is not a party to the contract, and you cannot therefore rely on these general conditions.

2. How does the contract between GreXplore Travel and you take effect?

2.1 The contract between you and GreXplore Travel.

It takes effect when your registration in writing or by telephone is accepted without reservation. From that moment on, the rights and obligations arising from the contract (including these general terms and conditions of contract and travel) take effect for both you and GreXplore Travel.

2.2 Special wishes

They only become part of the contract if they are accepted and confirmed without reservation by your booking office.
3. Prices and payment terms

3.1 Prices

The rate proposed in our offer is subject to change depending on the availability at the time of booking.

3.2 Payment terms

A deposit of at least 30% up to the total amount is due upon confirmation of the booking. The amount of the deposit must cover at least the deposit to be paid to the hotels and the service providers of the reservation. The reservation will be definitively confirmed when the payment of the deposit is in the possession of Grexplore Travel. If the payment is not made on time, GreXplore Travel may refuse the travel services and charge cancellation fees in accordance with clause 4.3.

3.3 Payment of the balance

The balance of the travel price must be paid at the latest 30 days before departure. If the payment is not made within this period, GreXplore Travel may refuse the travel services and charge cancellation fees in accordance with section 4.3.

3.4 Short term bookings

If you book your trip less than 30 days before the departure date, the full amount of the invoice must be paid at the time of booking.

3.5 Travel documents

Unless otherwise agreed, the travel documents will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment of the full amount invoiced.

4.  Changes of your reservation or cancellation of your trip

4.1 General

If you cancel the trip or wish to change the booked trip, you must inform GreXplore Travel in writing or by phone.

4.2 Modification fees

In the event of a change to your travel booking from your side, GreXplore Travel keeps the right to adapt the amount due according to the availability at the moment of the change. GreXplore Travel will do everything to find the best solution according to your modified request.

4.3 Cancellation fees

Cancellation fees are specific to each service. GreXplore Travel keeps the right to inform you about the cancellation fees, according to the services booked, at the moment of the cancellation of your trip.

4.4 Cancellation fees for groups

The specific cancellation conditions for groups are communicated to you at the same time as the travel offer. They must be validated by you at the same time as the validation of the offer and before the launch of the reservations.

4.5 Application fees

In the event of a cancellation or change to your travel booking, a handling fee of € 100 per person, up to a maximum of € 200 per order, may be charged (see also section 4.3). This application fee is not covered by cancellation insurance.

4.6 Cancellation insurance

In case of urgent necessity, the cancellation costs are covered by a cancellation costs insurance, provided that, you have taken out such insurance. The benefits are based on the terms of the insurance policy. If you have not yet taken out travel cancellation insurance, we recommend that you take out such insurance.

5.  Changes in pricing and transport

5.1 Price changes after the conclusion of the contract

In exceptional cases, the agreed price may have to be increased. Price increases may occur as a result of:

a. A subsequent increase in the cost of transport (including the price of fuel)

b. The introduction of or increase in airport taxes, etc.

c. A change in exchange rates

d. Price increases as a result of official measures.

If the cost of the services included in the tour increases, it may be passed on to the traveller and the tour price will increase accordingly. GreXplore Travel will apply the price increase at the latest 22 days before the start of the tour and only after having taken contact with you.

5.2 Changes to the programme or transport arrangements between your booking and the date of departure

GreXplore Travel reserves the right to change the travel programme or individual services (e.g. accommodation, mode of transport, etc.) in your interest if unforeseen or unavoidable changes so require. GreXplore Travel will do its utmost to offer you services of equivalent quality as a replacement. GreXplore Travel will inform you as soon as possible of such changes and their impact on the programme and eventually on the price.

5.3 What rights do you have if, after the contract has been concluded, the price of the trip is increased, the programme is changed or there are changes to the transport plan?

If changes to the programme or individual services significantly alter an essential element of the contract or if the price increase exceeds 10%, you have the following rights.:

a. You may accept the changes according to the new proposal.

b. You may cancel the contract in writing within 5 days of receiving our notice and the price already paid will be refunded immediately.

c. You may inform us within 5 days of receiving our notice that you wish an alternative trip. We will do our best to provide you with a suitable trip.

5.4 Cases of force majeure, srikes

Cases of force majeure (natural disasters, epidemics, disorders, etc.), measures taken by the authorities or strikes may force GreXplore Travel to cancel the trip. In this case, GreXplore Travel will inform you as soon as possible. If the trip is cancelled, GreXplore Travel will endeavour to offer you a replacement trip of equivalent quality. In case your trip has to be postponed, GreXplore Travel will provide you with a voucher from the different services which have to be cancelled and postponed.

6.  You start the journey, but you can’t finish it

If you are obliged to interrupt the trip prematurely for any reason, the price of the travel arrangement cannot be refunded. Any unused services will be reimbursed to you insofar as GreXplore Travel is not responsible for them. In urgent cases (e.g. illness or accident of the person concerned, serious illness or death of a close relative), the legal representative of GreXplore Travel or the service provider will help you as far as possible to organise your premature return. Please note that you can take out cancellation and assistance insurance, which is not included in the price of the trip.

7.  If the trip gives rise to a claim on your part
If the tour does not correspond to the contractual agreement or if you suffer damage, you have the right and the duty to complain immediately to the legal representative of GreXplore Travel, or the service provider about the defect or the damage suffered and to ask for it to be rectified free of charge.

8.  Entry, visa and health requirements
8.1 You are responsible for the required travel documents.
GreXplore Travel is at your disposal for any information concerning the conditions of entry or ask the competent consulate for the regulations applicable to them.

If a travel document cannot be obtained or is issued too late and you are therefore obliged to cancel the trip, the cancellation clauses apply.

8.2 If you are not allowed to entry the country, you will be responsible for the costs of your return journey.

Check before departure that you have all the necessary documents with you.

GreXplore Travel would also like to draw your attention to the legal provisions that penalise the import of goods and other prohibited imports.
9.  Insurance
9.1 Travel Insurance

The liability of travel, transport and aviation companies is limited. For this reason, GreXplore Travel recommends that you take out additional insurance, e.g. baggage, cancellation costs, accident, illness, special repatriation costs, etc.
9.2 Complementary insurance during your trip

GreXplore Travel can provide a complementary insurance for you to be safe during your trip. We stay at your disposal for all information concerning your safety.
10. Enjoy your trip and leave your dreams…

We stay at your disposal during the whole trip. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case you need anything and who knows, maybe we will be able to make one more of your dreams come true….